
Great help | Attention! GB 4806.15-2024 adhesive for food contact has been officially implemented!

Adhesives are widely used in food contact materials and products, 

but the adhesives used between layers of adhesives or composite 

materials have problems such as harmful components migrating 

into food, which poses a hidden danger to food safety.

On March 12,

 2024, the Chinese National Health Commission issued Announcement

 No. 1 of 2024, officially releasing GB 4806.15-2024 "National Food Safety

 Standard - Adhesives for Food Contact Materials and Products".

GB 4806.15-2024, 

as China's first product standard for adhesives used in food contact materials and 

products, was officially implemented on February 8, 2025.

The main contents of GB 4806.15-2024 are as follows:

Scope of application:

Suitable for adhesives used in food contact materials and products.


and definitions:

Adhesive for food contact materials and products: A material 

in food contact materials and products that directly or indirectly comes into 

contact with food through physical or chemical bonding.

Product Category:

According to whether they come into direct contact with food, adhesives used 

for food contact materials and products can be divided into two categories: 

adhesives used for direct contact with food and adhesives used for indirect 

contact with food.

Basic requirements:

1. Adhesives used for food contact 

materials and products shall comply with the provisions of GB 4806.1.

2.Enterprises producing and using adhesives for food contact materials and 

products shall comply with safety risk control requirements.

Technical requirements:

a. Raw material requirements

1. Basic raw material 

requirements: The use of adhesive base materials for direct contact with 

food should comply with the requirements of Appendix A and relevant 

announcements. The use of adhesive base materials for indirect contact 

with food should comply with the requirements of Appendix A, Appendix 

B, and relevant announcements.

2. Additive requirements: It should comply 

with the requirements of GB 9685 and relevant announcements.

b. Sensoryrequirements

The adhesive layer for direct contact with food should meet

 the following sensory requirements:

c. General physical and chemical indicators

A is only applicable to adhesive 

layers that come into direct contact with food.

B is only applicable to adhesives 

containing aromatic polyurethanes that may produce aromatic primary amines.

 The migration test of aromatic primary amines should be conducted on the final

 product after the curing reaction of the adhesive.

d. Other physical and chemical


1. Adhesives used for food contact materials and products shall comply 

with the specific migration limit (SML), specific migration total limit (SML (T)), 

maximum residue (QM) and other physical and chemical indicators specified in 

Appendix A, Appendix B and relevant announcements for basic raw materials.

2. Adhesives used for food contact materials and products shall comply with the 

physical and chemical indicators such as SML, SML (T), QM for additives specified 

in GB9685 and relevant announcements.

Label identification:

1. Label identification 

should comply with the provisions of GB 4806.1.

2. Adhesive products should indicate

 the product category on the label (adhesive for direct contact with food, adhesive for

 indirect contact with food).

After the standard is officially implemented, enterprises 

should pay attention to distinguishing between two types of adhesives, and carry out 

compliance control according to the requirements of the standard to ensure the safety 

of adhesive products and products that use adhesives.